Saturday, January 28, 2006

Paddling pool action Mag's and Bunch! ;)  Posted by Picasa
Oliver says HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Posted by Picasa
Here is Bol's asleepn on the computer chair. He's looking a bit grumpy as I think the flash woke him up! Notice what a nice shiny boi he is!  Posted by Picasa
AHHHH... we made our first pavlova! Check it out not too bad for a first go. I'm not really into pav's as I'm not big on the crunchy bits but people said it was OK. We took it to Holly and Casey's for an Australia BBQ. Holly cooked up mini meat pies with sauce and little flags they looked really good. We also had a paddling pool which was very refreshing on the toots. It was an awesome day spent with friends relaxing and listening to tunes!  Posted by Picasa
Andi's fish tank, looks a little green but it's acutally pretty clean... It's hard to take photos of fish tanks!!! I have two new moolies called Dolce and Gabanna! :) and the angel fish Buffy (black angel), Angel (white angel) and Skeeter the albino cat fish!  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I've got a sore throat today, yuck. I hope I'm not getting a cold! I'm dragging Andi to the Kitchen in Salamanca for a hot laksa! Yum... Hopefully that will get rid of my sore throat! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's not the expensive toys Ollie likes but the cheap freebies. If you look very closely you will see two eyes and a nose peeping out! He can be deadly if you put your hand too close to the hole! Posted by Picasa
One very tired boi. He's sleeping on the spare bed on his red rug. So peaceful!  Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Fireworks from the sub penthouse! Posted by Picasa
NYE poker... my stack is the closest and I just had a win!  Posted by Picasa
Andi's present from Mum!!!  Posted by Picasa
How cute is Ollie here! ... In diving position!  Posted by Picasa
The mantle.... simple but cute! Posted by Picasa
Yah!!! Look at all the pressies! This was the colours I used this year blue, dark blue, red and gold! :) I put it away today... it was sad.. Posted by Picasa
Evil Bollen - Happy Xmas! Posted by Picasa